
Publisher and Owner

Oberhofer Walter

Via Rienza 20
I-39035 Monguelfo (BZ)

Tel.: +39 0474 944097
Fax: +39 0474 362029

VAT number: IT02202180218
Tax number: BRHWTR70C27B220H

Registered in the chamber of commerce: Bolzano (BZ)
Registration number: BRHWTR70C27B220H

Concept, CMS, Hosting: Smartline

Images: Messnerhof, Houfahitte ©TG Gsiesertal_Kamilla Photography (2), Weissbachalm ©TG Gsiesertal_Kamilla Photography (14), Familie Spielplatz Prenniger Park ©TG Gsiesertal_Harald Wisthaler (9), Familie Dirndl Lederhosen Sommer ©TG Gsiesertal_Harald Wisthaler (17), Wandern Kultur Herbst 2018 ©TV Gsieser Tal_Harald Wisthaler (6), Hochkreuz Sommer 2019 ©TV Gsieser Tal_Harald Wisthaler (1), Wanderer_Gsies ©TV Gsieser Tal_Kamilla Photography, , Wanderer_See ©TV Gsieser Tal_Kamilla Photography, Wandern Sommer 2019 ©TV Gsieser Tal_Harald Wisthaler_1350, Wandern Sommer Lutterkopf Durrakopf 2017 ©TV Gsieser Tal_Harald Wisthaler (24), Langlauf 2021©IDM Südtirol_Manuel Kottersteger (2), Langlauf 2021©IDM Südtirol_Manuel Kottersteger (3), Langlauf 2020_21©TG Gsieser Tal_Raw Media Film (6), Skifahren Berglift St.Magdalena ©TV Gsieser Tal_Kamilla Photography, Schneeschuh 2018 ©TV Gsieser Tal_Harald Wisthaler (46), Eislaufen ©TG Gsieser Tal_Kamilla Photography (2), Pferdeschlitten_Familie2022©TG Gsieser Tal_Harald Wisthaler (20), Schneeschuh 2018 ©TV Gsieser Tal_Harald Wisthaler (21), Kronplatz ©TV Gsieser Tal_Georg Hofer (1), Aschtalm Gsies ©TV Gsieser Tal_Georg Hofer (1), Harpfe_Winter ©TV Gsieser Tal_Kamilla Photography, (c)TV Gsieser Tal_Kamilla Photography Winter, Almlandschaft Gsies ©TV Gsieser Tal_Georg Hofer (1), Schneeschuh 2018 ©TV Gsieser Tal_Harald Wisthaler (82), Amper ©TG Gsiesertal_Kamilla Photography (16), Golfen ©TV Gsieser Tal_Kamilla Photography, TG Gsieser Tal_Kamilla Photography 3U4A5966, (c)TV Gsieser Tal_Kamilla Photography 3U4A9937-HDR, Kuh ©TV Gsieser Tal_Georg Hofer (1), Welsberg ©TV Gsieser Tal_Georg Hofer (3), Familie Spielgolf 2017 ©TV Gsieser Tal_Harald Wisthaler (4), Rudlbach Barfuswandern Kneipp 2017 ©TV Gsieser Tal_Harald Wisthaler (7), Bank mit Ausblick ©TV Gsieser Tal_Kamilla Photography, Sommer 2019 ©TV Gsieser Tal_Kamilla Photography (1)

Copyright: © Messnerhof

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